Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A few changes...

Since I last posted there obviously have been some major changes in my life.  I figure I should update what has happened in the past 7 months.  I am such a slacker!

I went to Utah in June and took my nieces and nephews with me.  Mediation went pretty much as I expected it to.  Crappy.  He had all kinds of ideas and such about me traveling with a 2 week old baby and staying in Ohio, because that's where he was going to be moving to.  I informed him that I would not be traveling with a 2 week old baby and that his suggestions were ridiculous.  He also decided to play hostage with the rest of my things that I had left behind.  So I met him one night and he tried to try and bargain with me.  I was having none of it. I informed him that all I wanted were the rest of my personal property and to leave.  Needless to say we argued, but in the end I got the rest of my stuff. 

Upon my arrival back in Denver I was put on bed rest for high blood pressure.  My doctor scheduled me to be induced in late July.  However, HE found out on accident that I was going to be induced and called to inform me that HE and his parents would be coming to Denver for the birth of the baby.  I was so upset about this and was talking about it with my parents and my sister and they said that I had a right to let whoever I wanted into the delivery room with me.  My sister even went so-far as to call HIS mom and ask that they not come due to my blood pressure and stress about giving birth and everything.  Well...that didn't turn out too well and was basically told that if I were a good mom, I'd give the baby up for adoption since it's parent's were no longer together anymore.  My sister called and spoke with my lawyer who suggested that we go and get a restraining order.  So the very next day, my parents took me to the county court house and we filed a restraining order.  The day that I went into the hospital to be induced was the same day that he was served with the restraining order.  I don't think HE was very happy, but I was relieved and at peace for the first time in a long while. 

I traveled to Utah in late August for a hearing on the Divorce where HE agreed to not interfere with my life or the baby's for 18 months.  Unfortunately, HE was able to see the baby for about 45 minutes that same day.  HIS entire family showed up.  Thankfully my Dad was willing to be the go-between and stayed with the baby during the entire visit.  Those were some of the most terrifying 45 minutes of my life.  Baby got a bath when we got back to the hotel that afternoon. 

My lawyer prepared the paperwork from the hearing in August and submitted the final divorce decree and mailed it to him.  The judge was supposed to sign it in December, but I got word that the court was going to wait because HE said that he hadn't been served properly.  HE is just playing his games as usual.  Well, my lawyer called me today and said that the Divorce had gone through and that I am a free individual.  It has literally been the most emotional year of my life.

Now on to the best part that I get to write about. 

I went in to the hospital on the evening of July 21, 2011.  They got me situated and I talked to the security people about HIM and that he might be on his way there.  I didn't know if he had been served with the restraining order at that point or not.  I had a comfortable night and by morning I was starting to have some good contractions. My doctor came in to check me periodically and eventually broke my water.  I didn't even make it to a 3 before I was wanting an epidural.  I don't do pain.  After the epidural I was able to fall asleep and get some good rest.  While I slept, my parents left and my sisters went to go get some dinner.  While they were gone the nurse came in and gave me some oxygen.  Apparently there wasn't enough oxygen getting to the baby.  When my sisters came back, they looked over at me in laughter.  I had my sleeping mask over my eyes and an oxygen mask on.  I was such a sight to see.  They even took a few pictures of me.  Apparently I would make a very happy drunk.  All I know is that I am so glad that I got the epidural and was able to finally get some good sleep.

By late evening on July 22, 2011 the nurse comes in to check me and I am at a 3 and have been for several hours.  I am not progressing.  The nurse and I have a discussion, where I inform her that I am prepared to do whatever I have to do for the safety of myself and my baby.  She goes and gets my doctor and we then proceed to have a discussion about having a c-section.  Once the doc leaves, things start happening pretty fast. The nurses come in and start to prep me for surgery.  My family gathers my things and puts them in a cart and they head to the waiting room and my oldest sister, Shauna gets into her scrubs so that she can be in the operating room with me.  By 11:30 pm I am on my way to the OR to have a c-section.

While my doctor was still working on me, Jensen got to get cleaned up some more and shown to Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Margi through the glass of the nursery.  They brought him to me when I was in the recovery room waiting for my regular room.  I was able to hold him and nurse him for a bit and Grandma was also able to hold him for the first time.  He weighed in at 7 lbs. 1 oz. and 19 inches long.  In my family, he is considered a light weight.  Having a 7 pound baby is almost unheard of since I myself when I was born was around 11 pounds or more.  He was also born with a full head of hair just like his mommy was when she was born.  It was dark and very long! All that heartburn! They eventually  took me to my regular room and I was able to finally fall asleep at around 4 am after I fed him and changed his diaper for the first time. 

I honestly didn't know what to think about Jensen when he was born.  It was like this "thing" had come out of me and I was now responsible for it.  I was still dealing with all my emotions and depression from the divorce and everything going on at the time and so I felt like I was jipped on trying to connect with my baby.  But that has since been resolved.

I love my sweet baby boy.  He is such a good baby and just goes with the flow.  I am so grateful for that.  He smiles and laughs and rolls over from his tummy.  He is starting to roll from his back to his tummy and is almost there.  He gets stuck on his side sometimes.  He loves his baths and never cries in them.  He will definitely let you know when he is hungry.  You know he is tired when around his eyes are getting red.  He loves to play with his cousins.  He talks a mile a minute and I don't think he is ever going to stop.  He kicks his legs like there is no stopping him.  I think I'll put him in soccer when he is older.  But above all this, the most sweetest thing I love is when he is in my arms and drifting off to sleep he takes his hand and moves it back and forth across my chest.  It is probably the best thing in the world.  It lets me know that he loves me and I love him.  He is a wonderful little boy and I am very grateful that I have him.

Being a single mom was not part of my plan for my life.  But with the choices that I have made and the choices that others made as well, it is now part of my plan.  I am thankful for a wonderful family who rescued me when I needed it and let me into their home.  I am also thankful for a kind and loving Heavenly Father who helped me see the error of my ways and allowed me to pour out my heart to him in my most darkest of days.  I am so grateful for the Gospel in my life and that I am able to receive guidance when I need it and am able to go to my bishop for help and counseling. 

Now it is time to start fresh, it is a new year after all.  Work, exercise, projects, it's going to be a wonderful year for me and for Jensen!


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Dinner is in the oven...

I have tried to stay positive over the past few weeks and it is harder than I thought.  It's tough to think positive thoughts when all you are doing is constantly going over everything that you have been through in your head and then you start crying.  You cry in the morning, the afternoon, and sometimes even at night.  You cry when you are driving somewhere, you cry in the shower, you cry watching a movie that's supposed to be funny.  I told you, I am a freaking basketcase.  So I did the get number of a counselor, and it's taken me over a week to work up the guts to call her.  But I really think that I need her help, because at 26 weeks pregnant I can't let the emotional chaos that I am in cause harm to my unborn child.  I already know that somehow all of this "drama" will impact my baby. 

May 17, 2010

So It's been a month since I started this posting.  Needless to say I am now meeting with a counselor.  I think it's helping some but I still feel the urge to cry.  Especially on days when it is cloudy and the weather is cold or when I think about all the things that have happened since I left Him and what the future holds.  It's like it's a big blur and I don't know where to go.  I talked with my mom today and she said that I should probably get on something to help me out.  I'm thinking about it and when I meet with my OB/GYN next week I will probably ask for something to help me.    I worry about what will happend after the baby is born.  I don't want to go into post-partum depression, but at this point it's most likely to happen especially since I am already in a depressive state.  So maybe getting something at this point will be a pre-emptive strike in order to prevent post-partum.  I don't know. 

30 weeks pregnant (almost 31) and I feel huge.  Just a few more weeks to go though and my baby boy will be here. Which is good because he has been playing "soccer" or as I call it "kick the mommy" a lot the past few days.  And some of those kicks have been really sharp and so painful that I cry out.  Crazy kid.

My counselor has been great.  She's really nice and she's given me some homework assignments to do.  This week's assignment has been kind of difficult to do.  Putting aside the role of victim and looking at my marriage and what I could have done better has been really hard. It's like what else could I have done.  I catered to him.  I thought I met his needs.  However, I don't think that I can say the same about him.  I tried to put him first and my needs second.  Everytime that I tried to put my needs first, it was like I was shot down and made to feel bad about that.  But not anymore.

On another note, I spoke with my lawyer today and since we had to put a posting in the newspaper in order to serve Him, he had 20 days after the final posting in the paper to respond.  Well he responded all right.  He wants specific conditions and court ordered marital counseling.  He wants to be in on all doctor's visits and the birth of the baby.  He's disagreed with most of my petition to the courts, including the part that stated that I wanted to return back to my maiden name as well as the emotional abuse.   He wants joint legal and physical custody.  Anything that was acquired during the marriage to be divded by the courts.  I don't think the washer and dryer count as they were bought before we were even married and it was under my name.  My lawyer said that we will be heading to mediation and I am fine with that.  Hopefully we can get it scheduled early enough in June before I can't travel anymore.

I was able to go scrapbooking last saturday with my sister.  It was really nice and definately something that I needed.  Even though it was exhausting and I came home and slept for 13 hours, it was nice to go and do something that I do enjoy just haven't done it in a few years (more like 7).  I am planning on going again this Friday night and all day Saturday.  It will be exhausting, but I am hoping to get a lot done for my 2010 album.  Then hopefully I can start on my 2009 album and go from there.  Maybe even layout some pages for the baby's baby album.  I am totally into monkey's for my little boy.  I don't know why, but I just am.  I go to JoAnn's or Target and their scrapbooking areas and I look for anything that has monkey's in it or something "boy" related.  Hopefully I can do a good job creating my baby's album and journaling in it for him.

So that's it for now.  Just a few tidbits.  It's not much, but it's what I can do for now.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's so frustrating....

I have spent the past two months in a stupor of sorts.  Living, but not living at the same time.  It's the same routine day after day.  And you know what, that's pretty much exactly what I need right now.  Routine is a good thing.  But then again, I also feel myself sinking into a depression of sorts.  Part of that reason is that I am such a freaking basket case that I don't know where to go from here.  I have thought about going to counseling for myself and getting help there, but at the same time is is something that I am unsure of.  Going to give it some more thought.

So what do I call the soon to be ex-husband?  My ex, the s.o.b., butthead, dufus?  You name it I have literally thought of all kinds of names to call him on here.  Because obviously I don't want to put his real name even though I should just to warn off unsuspecting females to beware of men with his caliber of personality.  But I like to think that I am above such things, but then again at the same time, I don't want another woman to fall into the same pit of despair that I am in at the moment.  So I think we are just going to stick with the term "ex". 

At Christmas, he literally acted like a 2 year old because he didn't like his Christmas gifts.  I got him a pair of jeans, a movie, and something else that escapes my mind.  His parents got him a new drill and they got me a Sony Reader (like a Kindle).  He was moaning and groaning that they got me a $250 gift and him a $30 gift that he didn't need because he already had one.  The ex got me a $50 watch and some baby "bags" to put dirty diapers in.  The watch was great and everything, because I needed one, but I didn't need an expensive one.  I would have been happy with a $10 watch from Walmart or Target. And for the baby "bags" well they are okay, but I was planning on using plastic bags from the grocery store to put dirty diapers in.    But the ex literally acted like a spoiled child because he didn't get what he wanted for Christmas.  I told him to basically grow up and to be grateful for what he got.  He kids certainly enjoyed their gifts.  Oh, now I remember what else he got, he got a nerf gun because we were going to my sister's house for new years and planning a family nerf war.   But it's like he couldn't even be grateful for the little stuff and had to go and throw a temper tantrum. Good grief!

So the ex over the past 2 months has almost literally made my life a living hell.  (Yes I am very much aware that it takes two in a marriage and that I am not innocent when it comes to my marriage falling apart.  However, I am venting and you are just going to have to suck it up.)  My sister and I made a special trip in early February to another state where I used to live with the ex in order to retrieve some personal items.  I was hoping that he wouldn't be there and I could just sneak in and get the stuff with out him finding out.  Plus I found out hat he had been on the same website where we met chatting with other people.  I was hoping to get copies of the conversations from his laptop.  Well my "stealth" mission didn't go as planned.  I tried to find out when he would be at work so I could go in, but he wouldn't tell me.  So I basically had to tell him I was there in town for a family function and I wanted the last of my stuff that I knew about.  He wanted to talk about "us" and the divorce and everything before he gave me my stuff.  I honestly felt like my personal items were being held hostage unless I sat down and talked with him.  Well the long and short of it was, I had to talk to him and made an "agreement" of sorts to agree to skype with him once a week and "talk".  Thankfully my sister was there to help me and I said what I had to say in order to retrieve my personal items.  I didn't get all of them, because the ex couldn't find them, but I was able to grab some of my purses and my classic movies.  I left all my children's movies behind and everything else.  I don't want them.  They can be replaced.  But I wanted some of my "girlie" movies like Pride and Prejudice  and the rest of my Jane Austen collection. I also wanted my series of McLeod's Daughters.  I couldn't find McLeod's but that's okay, I figured that they could also be replaced with time.  It was torture just being around him.

I have literally had to block his phone number because of the amount of times that he has tried to call me.  It's not good for me or my unborn baby to go through this emotional turmoil.  It's not like this is a freaking piece of cake.  I remember one time when he called on a new number and I didn't know it was him until I picked up the phone.  We got into it and he made the comment that I should give him the baby when it's born and be done with it.  I was like no way in heck am I giving him my child.  He can't even take care of the three kids that he has from his previous marriage on his own.  What makes him think he can take care of a newborn?  Seriously.

So despite all the crap that he has put be through, I know that all of this isn't easy on him due to all the crap he went through with his ex-wife.  But I really just don't care.  He has caused the majority of the drama between him and his ex-wife and put me through so much crap and emotional turmoil, that I find that I refuse to put up with anymore.  He emailed me late on Sunday night to tell me that he was checking himself into a place. (I believe it is a mental hospital.)  I responded back and asked him like 9 or so questions.  He only answered 1/2 of them because as he puts it, "He doesn't trust me" not to serve him the divorce papers while he is in this institution.  Then he wanted to know if I was going to use it against him in court.  You know what, if you have to go and check yourself into a mental facility because you can't deal with the emotions of real life, you can bet I am going to use it against you.  Did I get emotional when he told me what he was planning on doing, heck yes I did.  I felt guilty for about 30 seconds and then realized that this was his choice, his decision.  Leave it at that. 

My lawyer has tried to deliver the paperwork to serve him several times, but he has never supposedly been "home".  Which I know is a load of crock.  He will do anything and everything to avoid being served and this is based upon his past behavior with his ex-wife.  He has asked me repeatedly for 2 weeks with no threat of being served to try and work out the issues.  I refuse to go that route.  It is his way of delaying the inevitable.  So while he is in the mental institution my lawyer is putting an ad in the paper for the next three weeks.  He will be out of the institution before the ad ends in the paper.  He refuses to tell me where he is moving to and come to find out he has to be out of the aparment that we shared together by saturday 3/26.  He won't even be out of the institution until next week sometime. Oh well, his loss.  But at the same time, it's sad.

Oh, did I mention that I found out he went onto the same website where we met and was chatting with other women that were single and him still married?  He was doing this not even 24 hours after I left.  GRRRRRR!!! And he had some woman send him photos of herself.  Not that they were "dirty" pictures or anything like that.  But to me, that is cheating.  As soon as I found that out, I took off my wedding rings and haven't put them on since.

So I guess that's about it for now.  I will write more later and maybe it will be more positive. But right now, I need to get out the negative.


Sunday, January 30, 2011


So a few weeks ago, I left my husband.  The reasons are many and varied. It has probably been one of the most difficutlt decisions I have ever made.  But here's the thing, I know that I did the right thing.  If I knew a year ago or even 7 months ago when we got married what I know now, I would have never have married him.  I beat myself up on a daily basis for having even gotten involved with such a person.  And now here's the kicker, I am 15 weeks pregnant.  How is this fair to my unborn child that they won't have both parents?  I know that there are lots of single parents out there and raising kids on their own.  My Grandma was one of them.  But I was raised with both parents and I want that for my child.  Unfortunately due to choices that were made by both parents (because I know that I am not completely innocent of my marriage falling apart,   it does take two after all) my child will now be with a single parent.  Will it be hard.  Yes it will.  But I don't want to stay in a relationship that is unhealthy and bad for me just because of a child.  It's not fair to me or my child to make ourselves miserable.

So here's what I am going to do.  I am starting this blog to dicuss my feelings and the things that I go through almost on a daily basis.  I am filing for divorce.  I am going to take some birth classes.  I just have a whole plan of things that I am going to do.  And yes that does include trying to find a job for the next school year.  So here goes.
